Sunday, May 06, 2007 don't write a blog for awhile....

So, Blogger became way cool since Matlock Mornings shut down one sad morning a year and a half ago. Who knew I could upload pictures and host Wilco videos?

I'll admit it. I'm avoiding a lot of work. Which of course, means it is a perfect time to rediscover the lost discipline of blogging. So, I'm back and this time its for real.

If you find no new posts--which you won't because it is a new day at sonicsubstantiation--you can at least read some news or watch a video.


shalomeanspeace said...

wax theological girl! g'head! i'll be eagerly awaiting every post.

-your #1 fan

Ashley said...

Third time is a charm! Hope those papers are going well chicka. XOXO

wilco1014 said...

Thanks guys!! Papers are coming much as I want Friday to get here, I'm also dreading it.